Monday, December 5, 2011


Here is the link to my Scratch projects.

I remixed a game by ljyhwasa670, by completely revamping the background by changing the colors and I also cleaned up the line work of the maze.  For this game, you have to try and go through the maze without touching any of the black or you will be returned to the beginning. I also remixed it a second time but changed the background to Marilyn Monroe and changed the end smiley face to a Monroe style face. I used Monroe to tie into my photoshop magazine cover project.  
I also created a racing horse animation and a curious dog animation. The dog animation was the first thing I created on Scratch so it's very amateur.  The horse race was the last thing I created and I created the backgrounds myself and got the horse and rider from google.  I photoshoped the horse and rider and added them to the animation.  Then I went onto garageband and made a horse race themed song and them compiled them all together and had my end result.

<a href=''><img src='' width='425' height='319' alt='Scratch Project'></a>

<applet id='ProjectApplet' style='display:block' code='ScratchApplet' codebase='' archive='ScratchApplet.jar' height='387' width='482'><param name='project' value='../../static/projects/n02332914/'></applet> <a href=''>Learn more about this project</a>

<a href=''><img src='' width='425' height='319' alt='Scratch Project'></a>

<applet id='ProjectApplet' style='display:block' code='ScratchApplet' codebase='' archive='ScratchApplet.jar' height='387' width='482'><param name='project' value='../../static/projects/n02332914/'></applet> <a href=''>Learn more about this project</a>

<a href=''><img src='' width='425' height='319' alt='Scratch Project'></a>

<applet id='ProjectApplet' style='display:block' code='ScratchApplet' codebase='' archive='ScratchApplet.jar' height='387' width='482'><param name='project' value='../../static/projects/n02332914/'></applet> <a href=''>Learn more about this project</a>

<a href=''><img src='' width='425' height='319' alt='Scratch Project'></a>

<applet id='ProjectApplet' style='display:block' code='ScratchApplet' codebase='' archive='ScratchApplet.jar' height='387' width='482'><param name='project' value='../../static/projects/n02332914/'></applet> <a href=''>Learn more about this project</a>

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