Sunday, October 23, 2011

Jones and Fox

This article definitely makes me laugh.  I was with my grandfather over the summer and it was so funny, he kept pulling out his droid and playing with apps and checking his emails. While my grandmother on the other hand has the same cell phone that she had from about 5 maybe more years ago and it is never turned on.  I notice that my parents and the older generation loves to check their emails. my mom checks hers everyday. I notice they like chain emails...where as i hardly ever check my emails only recently i have started for school but my regualr email address i haven't checked in weeks. I use Facebook and texting to communicate with people if i need to talk to them.

1 comment:

  1. My mom also loves checking her email. Literally time I see her on the computer shes reading a chain e-mail that one of her friends sent her. Its funny that your grandpa has a droid. While my grandma does not keep up with the latest phones, she is ALWAYS sending me chain emails. And I never check my e-mail, so when I do check it theres like 2 chain emails a month from her.
