Friday, September 16, 2011

Emme and Kirova Reading

        This article is about collage as an art form that captures the relationship between modern and postmodern and a proposed role for digitally manipulated photography in educational research.  This paper explores the lens-medium of photography as a unique and centrally important way of engaging the world.  I agree with the quote, “produces what it forbids, (seeming to make) possible the very thing that it makes impossible” (page 146).  This is talking about manipulation to a photograph and what is truly real and what was photoshoped.  I also really like the fact that interacting with the photo and the contact and point of view experienced by the viewer actually becomes part of the pictures meaning.  One thing I didn’t really understand fully was when the authors were talking about old, semiotic categories and social semiotic (page 147).  I don’t really understand the meaning of the word or the concept explained in the article.  Overall this article was very interesting and informative.  Also I too am guilty of using technology to better a photograph. I've posted some images that have been manipulated in photoshop that i thought were interesting too.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you said about the fact that interacting with the photo becomes part of then pictures meaning. Photo manipulation can definitely change the way a viewer interacts with a photograph. I know that I take more time looking at and thinking about a manipulated photo than a non manipulated photo.
